Ringgit Freedom’s November 2020 Updates

Updated July 31, 2021

~3 mins read

I have decided to write down on a monthly basis all my thoughts, feelings, progressions, decisions made throughout my financial journey and anything about life really. Hopefully this will shed some insights for all readers, and even myself when I look back onto the past. If you're interested in my past month updates, take a look at Monthly Updates and I hope you enjoy reading!

I can't believe it's already December and 2020 will soon come to an end. I really am looking forward for the break that I deserve to get - but as with all previous years, December is the month where things just become so hectic at work. Oh wells!

My Savings Rate & Budget

Savings Rate as at November 2020

Maybe it's the CMCO which resulted in near-zero dining outs and transportation fees. Somehow I have managed to save 54% of my net income in this normal month - which typically is only happening during windfall months when I have extra incomes lying around.

I'm surprised myself but can't complain about extra savings ayy!? Though I'm a bit sceptical whether if it is sustainable but let's see!! Maybe it's just some of the budgeted amounts which are unspent eh?

What happened to my Portfolio?

Portfolio as at November 2020

Two major events happened in November.

First - After two long months from researching "the" international broker to actually opening one, I have completed my "moving" exercise from various Unit Trust funds in Malaysia / Hong Kong, stock holdings in Fundsupermart Hong Kong; moving them into a mixture of ETFs / Stocks in Interactive Brokers (TradeStation Global).

I have yet to 100% replicate the funds composition (compared to what I had in the past) but it's diversified enough for my liking. But the best part? I'll be able to save on some recurring fees from brokerage/fund house moving forward whilst expanding my international reach.

Second - After looking at latest quarterly reports on AirAsia's cash flow / balance sheet, I've decided to take the exit stance for now. Whilst there has been several rounds of progressions made surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine, but I believe that travel industry will still suffer for at least until Q2-Q3 next year (with utmost optimism) or after 2021 (with neutral/pessimistic view)

Thanks to this - my realised profit took a swing from +RM4.0K down to +RM1.3K. Got to be grateful that it's still green.

Aside from reshuffling my assets, I hasn't been pumping much fresh funds into my portfolio aside from the standard monthly DCA into StashAway - which I've decided to doubled it to RM2000 per month now (instead of the RM1k in the past 12 months). One good thing is the overly optimistic of local markets which brought some unrealised gain to my portfolios - though I secretly wished it wouldn't climb so soon as I hasn't finished my top-ups yet.

Portfolio Snapshot

Snapshot as of 29 November 2020

Note: For the definition of snapshots, please check My Portfolio where I elaborated it in detail.

Sold (Retired) Portfolio (accumulative)
IRR: 2.18%
ROI: 4.12%
Profit/Loss: RM1,314.72

Active (Invested) Portfolio
IRR: 11.05%
ROI: 10.02%
Profit/Loss: RM11,748.98
True Cost: RM117,219.50
Total Value: RM129,015.30
Nett Dividend (2020): RM1,161.81

Active Portfolio Snapshot as of November 2020

If you're interested in my past updates - do check out my previous Monthly Review or Year In Review!

As always, thanks for reading and I will see you again in my next post! If you haven't already, be sure to follow me on my Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for latest updates!


This article was originally published on December 11, 2020
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